Lei 564.61

Designed by Studio10

In a world of spotlights with a masculine feel, Lei emerges: a system of technical spotslights with a crystalline and elegant aesthetic, based on curved elements that evoke the grace of the feminine universe, such as sartorial pleats and the sophisticated workmanship of precious perfume bottles. Available in matte black, brass, nickel and titanium finishes with clear and frosted glass or smoked, bottle green and red available on request. Lei is destined to capture every eye that passes, with its brilliant aesthetic presence.
C2 Matte black
C42 Satin brass
C70 Titanium
Light source: 1 x Gu10
Wattage: Max 4,5W
Dimmability: According to bulb
Dimensions: H127 / L56,5 cm
Note: Dimmer version available on request. Max. dimensions bulb (excluded): Ø3,5/H4,9 cm. 110/120V version available on request at additional price.